Following Mode
Since a few weeks ago, SONOFF announced the updated trigger modes for MINI’s external switch connection, which includes the edge mode and pulse mode. Today, we cannot wait to introduce the third trigger mode to all of our users – Following Mode.
From the external switch connection, the edge mode is available for SPDT switches and the pulse mode is available push-button switches. So what types of the switch are used for the following mode? Chop-chop, let’s together find the answer.
MINI converts the existing wall switch into a smart switch, and the following mode is designed for the application scenario that the existing wall switch with “ON” and “OFF” mark, as well as for the sensor with dry contact output.
In the following mode, the output of MINI relay will be triggered by the detected corresponding trigger edge. To be applicable for both NC and NO switches or dry contact sensors, the following mode can be set in default or reversed in the app.
Here is the relay output vs detected trigger edge.
How does the S1 and S2 work?
“Following”, as its name indicates one-to-one correspondence, the following mode is mainly appropriate for the case that the load state follows the open/closed state of the connected switch or dry contact sensor in external switch control. As shown in the diagram, the detailed working mechanism for the S1 and S2 interface can help you understand the following mode well.
Both the falling edge and rising edge are detected as a valid trigger signal to change the relay of state of MINI for the following mode. The edge trigger signal type is one-to-one correspondence with the load state change. With the following mode “default” setting, A falling edge is generated by the switch state change from “Open to Closed”, which makes the load state is triggered “ON” or keep “ON” (if the original load state is ON). Likewise, a rising edge is detected when the switch state occurs the change from “Close to Open”, the load will turn “OFF” or keep in “OFF” state.
What’s more, the dry contact sensor can work with MINI as an external switch. Typically, the dry contact sensor is a simple trigger unit that can be used to detect many different inputs, such as motion sensors, burglar alarms, fire alarms or any usage that requires moving and detecting occurs. Let’s take the radar sensor switch as an example among dry contact sensors. The radar switch triggers the load on and off via the built-in detecting system. When the movement is detected by the switch, the S1 and S2 will be connected which makes the light be triggered “ON”. Once the movement disappears, the switch will be disconnected automatically which triggers the light off.
After MINI is released, the SPDT switch as the only and first one of external switches can be compatible with it. Recently, for the updated MINI, the external switches are extended to more application fields such as push-button switches and dry contact sensors. To be sure, this is a huge upgrade for MINI. The release of the following mode dramatically extends the external switch types so that users can have more options on the control of devices via MINI. A tip for these three trigger modes is that the edge mode is available for V3.5.0 firmware of MINI and V4.2.0 eWeLink app.
We’re too impatient to wait to see what you build!
*If you want to learn about more details for the external switch connection of MINI, please refer to this introduction for the edge mode and pulse mode.